27th Feb, 06:41 am
Thanks for all your help man. I only have 2 other questions. All of these icons are broken. How can I fix them?
And the other question. We use steam login. When using the default profile, it adds a block to their profile with their steam info. How could I add a section in here, above "add buddy", with the same info as this. Here is the code in the global templates.
And the other question. We use steam login. When using the default profile, it adds a block to their profile with their steam info. How could I add a section in here, above "add buddy", with the same info as this. Here is the code in the global templates.
<br /><table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder"><tr><td colspan="2" class="thead"><strong>Steam Details</strong></td></tr><tr><td class="trow1" width="40%"><strong>Steam Verified</strong></td><td class="trow1">{$steam_verified}</td></tr><tr><td class="trow1" width="40%"><strong>Level</strong></td><td class="trow1">{$steam_level}</td></tr><tr><td class="trow1" width="40%"><strong>SteamID 32</strong></td><td class="trow1">{$steamid_32}</td></tr><tr><td class="trow1" width="40%"><strong>SteamID 64</strong></td><td class="trow1"><a href="http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/{$steamid_64}" target="_blank">http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/{$steamid_64}</a></td></tr><tr><td class="trow1" width="40%"><strong>SteamRep</strong></td><td class="trow1">{$steamrep_link}</td></tr><tr><td class="trow1" width="40%"><strong>Steam Status</strong></td><td class="trow1">{$steam_status}</td></tr></table><br />